Jun 3, 2011

Cheetara Boot update

The awesome boot I used for my Cheetara Costume was an Orange version of the Minnetonka Women's 1422 Front Lace Knee-High Boot

It turns out that dyeing suede is WAY easier then I would have ever guessed!

My Orange version of these boots were damaged by... my cat taking revenge...so  I was feeling really upset!

I was so sad.  I loved my Boots and finding them in orange was imposible!

But I wanted to get a new pair anyway so I got the pair above and used a orange dye to get the result I never thought possible!

Now I am thinking about getting a pair of these boot and doing the same treatment to the lowers.

Because really they are Orange with a YELLOW Cuff.  I hope that these boots are light enought that the yellow works on the top...     it will be an okay experiment,  they are like $30 so it isn;t like the gamble on the $60 Minnietonkas


Leah said...

What brand or type of dye do you use? Have you tried it on faux suede or just the authentic stuff?